- 位居美國預鍛煉品牌熱銷榜首位
- 天然風味
- 膳食補充劑
- 20 份
- NO3-T 硝酸鹽技術
- 茶鹼
- AlphaSize
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
- 含 Con-Cret 專利成分,效果更顯著
- 潔淨 - 不含人工染料。無人工香料。
- 透明 - 標籤資訊高度透明。不含專利配方。
- 升級 - 創新成分。升級配方。
- 6 克超級瓜氨酸泵基質 - 由 Nitramax (NO3-C)™提供支援
- 3.2 克 CarnoSyn β-丙氨酸 - 可能有助於提升肌耐力
- 2 種肌酸專利成分
- 300 毫克咖啡萃取 - 可能有助於顯著提升能量水準
- 天然和人工調味料
- 爆發能量石
- 爆發能量
- C4 表現配方
- 只需彈開,射擊,即搞定!
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
- iD Series
- The Original Explosive Pre-Workout
- Naturally and Artificially Flavored
- Dietary Supplement
- 30 Servings
- TeaCrine
- CarnoSyn - CarnoSyn Synthesizer
- NO3-T Nitrate Technology
C4 Sport | C4 Original | C4 Ripped | C4 Extreme Energy | |
Energy | Moderate | Advanced | Advanced | Extreme |
Focus | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Advanced |
Pumps | Moderate | Advanced | Moderate | Advanced |
Endurance | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate | Advanced |
Sports Certified | √ | |||
Creatine Nitrate | √ | √ | ||
Supports Weight Loses | √ |
- 位居美國預鍛煉品牌熱銷榜首位
- 天然風味
- 膳食補充劑
- NO3-T 硝酸鹽技術
- 茶鹼
- AlphaSize
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
- 含 Con-Cret 專利成分,效果更顯著
- 潔淨 - 不含人工染料。無人工香料。
- 透明 - 標籤資訊高度透明。不含專利配方。
- 升級 - 創新成分。升級配方。
- 6 克超級瓜氨酸泵基質 - 由 Nitramax (NO3-C)™提供支援
- 3.2 克 CarnoSyn β-丙氨酸 - 可能有助於提升肌耐力
- 2 種肌酸專利成分
- 300 毫克咖啡萃取 - 可能有助於顯著提升能量水準
- 位居美國預鍛煉品牌熱銷榜首位
- 天然風味
- 膳食補充劑
- 茶鹼
- AlphaSize
- 含 Con-Cret 專利成分,效果更顯著
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
- NO3-T 硝酸鹽技術
- 潔淨 - 無人工染料。無人工香料
- 透明 - 標籤資訊高度透明。無專利混合物
- 升級 - 創新成分。升級配方
- 6 克超級瓜氨酸泵基質 - 由 Nitramax (NO3-C)™ 提供支援
- 3.2 克 CarnoSyn β-丙氨酸 - 可能有助於提升肌耐力
- 2 種肌酸專利成分
- 300 毫克咖啡萃取 - 可能有助於顯著提升能量水準
- 位居美國預鍛煉品牌熱銷榜首位
- 天然風味
- 膳食補充劑
- 茶鹼
- AlphaSize
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
- NO3-T 硝酸鹽技術
- 含 Con-Cret 專利成分,效果更顯著
- 潔淨 - 無人工染料。無人工香料
- 透明 - 標籤資訊高度透明。無專利混合物
- 升級 - 創新成分。升級配方
- 6 克超級瓜氨酸泵基質 - 由 Nitramax (NO3-C)™ 提供支援
- 3.2 克 CarnoSyn β-丙氨酸 - 可能有助於提升肌耐力
- 2 種肌酸專利成分
- 300 毫克咖啡萃取 - 可能有助於顯著提升能量水準
取一份(1平勺)C4 Original粉劑,混於 6液體盎司水中,訓練前20-30分鐘飲用。由於β-丙氨酸的存在,有些個體可能會 出現無害的刺痛感。必須按照說明使用。
- iD系列
- Original Explosive鍛煉前
- 天然和人工調味
- 膳食補充劑
- 60份
- Nutrabolt
- TeaCrine
- CarnoSyn 肌肽合成物
- N03T硝酸鹽技術
- 優化的風味
取一份(1平勺)C4 Original粉劑,混於 6液體盎司水中,訓練前20-30分鐘飲用。由於β-丙氨酸的存在,有些個體可能會 出現無害的刺痛感。必須按照說明使用。
Take one serving (1 level scoop) of C4 Original, mixed with 6 fl. oz. of water, 20-30 minutes before training. Some individuals may experience a harmless tingling sensation, which is attributable to Beta-Alanine. Use only as directed.
- iD Series
- The Original Explosive Pre-Workout
- Naturally and Artificially Flavored
- Dietary Supplement
- 30 Servings
- Nutrabolt
- TeaCrine
- CarnoSyn Carnosine Synthesizer
- N03T Nitrate Technology
- Improved Flavor
Take one serving (1 level scoop) of C4 Original, mixed with 6 fl. oz. of water, 20-30 minutes before training. Some individuals may experience a harmless tingling sensation, which is attributable to Beta-Alanine. Use only as directed.
在訓練前 20-30 分鐘將一份(1 勺)C4 Original 兌入 6 液體盎司的水。在鍛煉期間,建議您喝大量的水或功能性飲料,如 Cellucor Alpha Amino,以保持水分。一些人可能會體驗到無害的刺痛感,這歸因於 β-丙氨酸。必須按照說明使用。
- ID Series
- The Original Explosive Pre-Workout
- Naturally and Artificially Flavored
- Dietary Supplement
- 30 Servings
- NutraBolt®
- TeaCrine
- CarnoSyn
- NO3T Nitrate Technology
在訓練前 20-30 分鐘將一份(1 勺)C4 Original 兌入 6 液體盎司的水。在鍛煉期間,建議您喝大量的水或功能性飲料,如 Cellucor Alpha Amino,以保持水分。一些人可能會體驗到無害的刺痛感,這歸因於 β-丙氨酸。必須按照說明使用。
用作膳食補充劑時,每日 1 至 2 次,每次 1 小袋。倒入飲品中,攪拌均勻後飲用。
- 純 D-核糖
- 膳食補充劑
- 能量支持
- 肌肉修復
- 不含穀蛋白
- 不含牛奶/酪蛋白
- 不含防腐劑
- 保證效力和品質
- 小袋獨立包裝,方便外出攜帶
- 可快速溶解於各種飲品
- 適用於運動鍛煉的理想營養補充劑
- FDA 監管設施
- 能量產生
- 提升肌肉耐力
- 肌肉修復
- 保持心臟效能
純 D-核糖是一種天然戊糖,有助於促進三磷酸腺苷形成,從而提供細胞能量。雖然人體可自動生成核糖,但是核糖的形成需要花費一定時間,運動鍛煉會快速消耗肌肉組織內的核糖。在下次鍛煉前趕快體驗吧!核糖有助於維持能階健康,提升肌肉耐力和縮短劇烈運動後的肌肉修復時間。
用作膳食補充劑時,每日 1 至 2 次,每次 1 小袋。倒入飲品中,攪拌均勻後飲用。
變換液體量,取得理想的稠度和口味。Cellucor COR-Performance乳清蛋白可在鍛煉前後使用,或在任何時候作為快捷健康小吃服用。每天服用1-4份,或根據能夠滿足您的個人蛋白攝取需求的用量服用。
營養: Cellucor COR-Performance乳清蛋白極好用作均衡飲食的一部分服用,其中包括全天然健康食品及其它蛋白來源。個體營養需求因性別、體重、活動水準及鍛煉/訓練強度而異。
混合: Cellucor COR-Performance乳清蛋白不僅僅用於蛋白奶昔。給燕麥粥、酸乳、煎餅及其它烘焙食品加上一勺試試。
- 每份24克蛋白 - 120卡路里 - 5.25克天然存在的BCAA
- 不含穀蛋白
- 快速吸收乳清蛋白
- 乳清分離蛋白的主要來源
- 可口的味道
- 容易混合
- 天然和人工調味
- 70份
- TruFacts充分披露標籤
- 知情選擇
- 在符合 GMP 規範的工廠製作
- Cor-Performance系列
- Nutrabolt
變換液體量,取得理想的稠度和口味。Cellucor COR-Performance乳清蛋白可在鍛煉前後使用,或在任何時候作為快捷健康小吃服用。每天服用1-4份,或根據能夠滿足您的個人蛋白攝取需求的用量服用。
營養: Cellucor COR-Performance乳清蛋白極好用作均衡飲食的一部分服用,其中包括全天然健康食品及其它蛋白來源。個體營養需求因性別、體重、活動水準及鍛煉/訓練強度而異。
混合: Cellucor COR-Performance乳清蛋白不僅僅用於蛋白奶昔。給燕麥粥、酸乳、煎餅及其它烘焙食品加上一勺試試。
將每份(2 勺)Cor-Performance 乳清蛋白拌入 5-6 液體盎司的冷水或您選擇的任何飲料,每天飲用一至兩次。
變換液體量,取得理想的稠度和口味。Cellucor COR-Performance 乳清蛋白可在鍛煉前後使用,或在任何時候作為快捷健康小吃服用。每天服用 1-4 份,或根據能夠滿足您的個人蛋白攝取需求的用量服用。
營養:Cellucor COR-Performance 乳清蛋白極好用作均衡飲食的一部分服用,均衡飲食還包括全天然健康食品及其它蛋白質來源。個體營養需求因性別、體重、活動水準及鍛煉/訓練強度而異。
混合:Cellucor COR-Performance 乳清蛋白不僅僅用於製作蛋白奶昔。給燕麥粥、酸乳、煎餅及其它烘焙食品加上一勺試試。
- 每份 24 克蛋白 - 120 卡路里 - 5.25 克天然存在的支鏈氨基酸
- 不含麩質
- 可快速消化的乳清蛋白
- 乳清分離蛋白的主要來源
- 可口的味道
- 容易混合
- 天然和人工調味
- 70 份
- TruFacts 充分披露標籤
- 知情選擇
- 在符合 GMP 規範的工廠製作
- Cor-Performance 系列
- Nutrabolt
將每份(2 勺)Cor-Performance 乳清蛋白拌入 5-6 液體盎司的冷水或您選擇的任何飲料,每天飲用一至兩次。
變換液體量,取得理想的稠度和口味。Cellucor COR-Performance 乳清蛋白可在鍛煉前後使用,或在任何時候作為快捷健康小吃服用。每天服用 1-4 份,或根據能夠滿足您的個人蛋白攝取需求的用量服用。
營養:Cellucor COR-Performance 乳清蛋白極好用作均衡飲食的一部分服用,均衡飲食還包括全天然健康食品及其它蛋白質來源。個體營養需求因性別、體重、活動水準及鍛煉/訓練強度而異。
混合:Cellucor COR-Performance 乳清蛋白不僅僅用於製作蛋白奶昔。給燕麥粥、酸乳、煎餅及其它烘焙食品加上一勺試試。
- 膳食補充劑
Sphingolin 是一款科學研製的營養補充劑,產品配方含有特製牛髓鞘,該成分富含天然髓磷脂堿基蛋白。為了保護酶類成分,本產品採用了凍乾技術加工而成。
混合 3 勺到 16 盎司冷水或您選擇的任何飲品中。每天飲用 1 份,或根據需要飲用以滿足您對蛋白質的需求或增肌需求。要增加每份的蛋白質和卡路里攝入量並獲得美味的奶昔口感,添加牛奶。
- 營養 · 表現 · 修復
- 高級優質蛋白質/碳水化合物基質
- 一種高級優質增肌粉
- 每份的熱量 - 700 卡路里
- 每份天然必需氨基酸 - 20 克
- 每份中天然的支鏈氨基酸 (BCAA)*- 10 克
- 天然和人工香料
- 熱量替代混合飲品
True-Mass 產品亮點:
- 多功能蛋白質和碳水化合物基質
- 天然支鏈氨基酸和其它必需和非必需氨基酸
- 滿足聯合蛋白質/碳水化合物比例標準
配合 Nitrix 2.0、NO-Xplode 2.0、 Cellmass 2.0 和 Syntha-6 食用,以更大程度提高體能和性能。
本產品由 cGMP 工廠生產。
*True-Mass 含 20 克天然必需氨基酸,其中包括 10 克支鏈氨基酸。
混合 3 勺到 16 盎司冷水或您選擇的任何飲品中。每天飲用 1 份,或根據需要飲用以滿足您對蛋白質的需求或增肌需求。要增加每份的蛋白質和卡路里攝入量並獲得美味的奶昔口感,添加牛奶。
含有 Nitrix 2.0、N.O.-Xplode 2.0、細胞團塊 2.0 與 六重矩陣蛋白粉,獲得極佳體形和表現效果。
將 3 勺增肌粉混入 16 盎司冷水或任何您選擇的飲品中。每天飲用 1 份,或根據需要飲用以滿足您對蛋白質的需求或增肌需求。若要增加每份的蛋白質和卡路里攝入量,並獲得美味的奶昔味道,可用牛奶代替水。
- Nutrition
- Performance
- Recovery
- Finish First
- An Ultra Premium Mass Gainer
- Natural & Artificially Flavored
- Calories Per Serving - 710 Calories
- Naturally Occurring EAAs Per Serving -20 Grams
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs Per Serving*- 10 Grams
- Powdered Protein & Carbohydrate Drink Mix
For the Purest Mass Gains
True-Mass Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Protein and Carbohydrate Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- Collegiate Protein / Carb Ration Compliant
Designed For: Any individual who needs a calorie dense alternative or addition to regular foods to assist with gaining lean muscle mass.
This product has been manufactured by a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility.
*True-Mass contains 20 grams of naturally occurring essential amino acids, of which 10 grams are branched chain amino acids.
含有 Nitrix 2.0、N.O.-Xplode 2.0、細胞團塊 2.0 與 六重矩陣蛋白粉,獲得極佳體形和表現效果。
將 3 勺增肌粉混入 16 盎司冷水或任何您選擇的飲品中。每天飲用 1 份,或根據需要飲用以滿足您對蛋白質的需求或增肌需求。若要增加每份的蛋白質和卡路里攝入量,並獲得美味的奶昔味道,可用牛奶代替水。
含有 Nitrix 2.0、N.O.-Xplode 2.0、細胞團塊 2.0 與六重矩陣蛋白粉,獲得極佳體形和性能效果。
將 3 勺增肌粉混入 16 盎司冷水或任何您選擇的飲品中。每天飲用 1 份,或根據需要飲用以滿足您對蛋白質的需求或增肌需求。若要增加每份的蛋白質和卡路里攝入量,並獲得美味的奶昔味道,可用牛奶代替水。
- Nutrition
- Performance
- Recovery
- Finish First
- An Ultra Premium Mass Gainer
- Natural & Artificially Flavored
- Calories Per Serving - 710 Calories
- Naturally Occurring EAAs Per Serving -20 Grams
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs Per Serving*- 10 Grams
- Powdered Protein & Carbohydrate Drink Mix
For the Purest Mass Gains
True-Mass Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Protein and Carbohydrate Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- Collegiate Protein / Carb Ration Compliant
Designed For: Any individual who needs a calorie dense alternative or addition to regular foods to assist with gaining lean muscle mass.
This product has been manufactured by a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility.
*True-Mass contains 20 grams of naturally occurring essential amino acids, of which 10 grams are branched chain amino acids.
含有 Nitrix 2.0、N.O.-Xplode 2.0、細胞團塊 2.0 與六重矩陣蛋白粉,獲得極佳體形和性能效果。
將 3 勺增肌粉混入 16 盎司冷水或任何您選擇的飲品中。每天飲用 1 份,或根據需要飲用以滿足您對蛋白質的需求或增肌需求。若要增加每份的蛋白質和卡路里攝入量,並獲得美味的奶昔味道,可用牛奶代替水。
將 1 勺與 4-5 盎司的冷水水或您選擇的任何飲品混合服用。為了增加每份蛋白質的攝入量,並獲得令人驚歎的奶昔體驗,可以使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
- 狀元
- 優質蛋白質基質
- 22 克蛋白質
- 隨時隨地使用,無論白天還是晚上。
- 天然和人工調味料
- 48 份
- 10 克必需氨基酸
- 自然產生的興奮性氨基酸
- 肌肉修復
- 200 卡熱量
- 肌肉
Syntha-6 產品亮點:
- 多效超優質蛋白質基質
- 天然支鏈氨基酸和其它必需和非必需氨基酸
- MCTs、EFAs 和穀氨醯胺肽
- 0 毫克阿斯巴甜
將 1 勺與 4-5 盎司的冷水水或您選擇的任何飲品混合服用。為了增加每份蛋白質的攝入量,並獲得令人驚歎的奶昔體驗,可以使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and to achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- 28 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAs
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and Other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and to achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl. oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirements with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificial Flavored
- 48 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAs
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Ultra-Premium Protein. Ultra-Premium Taste.
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAS and Other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who want an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl. oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirements with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl. oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- 28 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAs
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Ultra-Premium Protein. Ultra-Premium Taste.
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and Other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl. oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- 28 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAs
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Ultra-Premium Protein. Ultra-Premium Taste.
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and Other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
作為膳食補充劑,每日服用 2 次,每次 3 片。
- 心臟
- 修復
- 性能
- 提升力量
- 每天 3 克 L-瓜氨酸†
- 每天 3 克肌酸†
- 反式紫檀芪和反式白藜蘆醇
- 膳食補充劑
- 為活力而活!
Nitrix 2.0 成分當按醫囑服用、極大劑量時,隨著時間推移,結合健康膳食和經常性運動,旨在促進:
- 心臟
- 性能
- 一氧化氮前體
- 修復
作為膳食補充劑,每日服用 2 次,每次 3 片。
- Finish First
- 275 mg Caffeine
- Explosive energy
- 60 Servings
- Dietary Supplement
- Artificially Flavored
- Intense Focus
- Extreme Pumps
- Maximum Performance
- Enhanced Endurance
- EfforSorb Delivery System
- CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer
Once You Try It, You Will Never Train Without It!
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O.-Xplode is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, intense focus, extreme pumps, maximum performance, and enhanced endurance during your training.
將 1 勺本品與 5-6 液量盎司(150-180 毫升)水混合,運動前 15-30 分鐘服用。為補充水分,請在運動期間大量飲水。
- 狀元
- 能量與性能
- 天然和人工香料
- 膳食補充劑
- 30 份
- 強烈能量與專注
- 專利泵感技術
- 峰值耐力支援
- 全標籤透明度
- Velox™
- No3T® 硝酸鹽技術
- 肌肽合成物
登上頂峰,需要內心的不懈自律。古希臘人稱此為“Endo”,意為內在。在 BSN®,我們將其稱為 ENDORUSH®,本氮泵旨在幫助加強表現運動員的內在動力,以準備迎接面前的挑戰。
僅配備必要的化合物。配有全透明標籤。ENDORUSH® 使用經過健身房測試的配料配方,毫無多餘成分,從始至終將您的訓練提升到新的水準。採用專利泵感技術。只需 1 勺,即可體驗爆炸能量和肌肉膨脹泵感。為內在衝勁加油,訓練不受限制。
每份產品的咖啡萃取總含量為 300 毫克。
將 1 勺本品與 5-6 液量盎司(150-180 毫升)水混合,運動前 15-30 分鐘服用。為補充水分,請在運動期間大量飲水。
將 1 勺本產品與 4-6 盎司的冷水混合,在訓練前 20-30 分鐘服用。請勿搖晃。攪拌粉末。
- 狀元
- 膳食補充劑
- 60 份
- 人工調味
- 275 毫克咖啡萃取
- 爆發能量
- Carnosyn® 肌肽合成劑
- 強烈聚焦
- 極限泵出
- 優質性能
- 提升耐力
- EfforSorb 傳輸系統
- 275 毫克咖啡萃取
用先進的配料技術為您的身體提供燃料,幫助您突破以前的限制。N.O.- XPLODE® 經過科學設計,可在您的訓練過程中支持爆發性能量、強烈聚焦、極限泵出、優質性能和提升耐力。
將 1 勺本產品與 4-6 盎司的冷水混合,在訓練前 20-30 分鐘服用。請勿搖晃。攪拌粉末。
將 1 勺本產品與 4-6 盎司的冷水混合,在訓練前 20-30 分鐘服用。請勿搖晃。攪拌粉末。
請勿與乙醇混合。在任何 24 小時內食用不宜超過 2 勺,至少間隔 4 小時食用。作為健康飲食和鍛鍊計畫的一部分,每日至少飲用 100 盎司水。運動可能會增加您對額外液體攝入的需求。
- 快人一步
- 275 毫克咖啡萃取
- 爆發能量
- 30 份
- 膳食補充劑
- 人工調味料
- 高度專注力
- 極限輸出
- 卓越表現
- 提升耐力
- efforSorb 傳輸系統
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
用先進的配料技術為您的身體提供燃料,幫助您突破以前的限制。N.O.-Xplode 經過科學設計,可在您的訓練過程中支持爆發性能量、強烈聚焦、極限泵出、優質性能和提升耐力。
將 1 勺本產品與 4-6 盎司的冷水混合,在訓練前 20-30 分鐘服用。請勿搖晃。攪拌粉末。
請勿與乙醇混合。在任何 24 小時內食用不宜超過 2 勺,至少間隔 4 小時食用。作為健康飲食和鍛鍊計畫的一部分,每日至少飲用 100 盎司水。運動可能會增加您對額外液體攝入的需求。
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
Do not combine with alcohol. Do not exceed 2 scoops within any 24 hour period, consumed at least 4 hours apart. Consume as part of a healthy diet and exercise program, and drink at least 100 fl oz water per day. Exercise may increase your need for additional fluid intake.
- Finish First
- 275 mg Caffeine
- Explosive energy
- 60 Servings
- Dietary Supplement
- Artificially Flavored
- Intense Focus
- Extreme Pumps
- Maximum Performance
- Enhanced Endurance
- efforSorb Delivery System
- CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer
Once You Try It, You Will Never Train Without It!
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O.-Xplode is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, intense focus, extreme pumps, maximum performance, and enhanced endurance during your training.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
Do not combine with alcohol. Do not exceed 2 scoops within any 24 hour period, consumed at least 4 hours apart. Consume as part of a healthy diet and exercise program, and drink at least 100 fl oz water per day. Exercise may increase your need for additional fluid intake.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
Do not combine with alcohol. Do not exceed 2 scoops within any 24 hour period, consumed at least 4 hours apart. Consume as part of a healthy diet and exercise program, and drink at least 100 fl oz water per day. Exercise may increase your need for additional fluid intake.
- Finish First
- 30 Servings
- Artificially Flavored
- Explosive Energy
- Enhanced Endurance
- Maximum Performance
- Dietary Supplement
- efforSorb Delivery System
- CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O.-Xplode is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, enhanced endurance, and maximum performance during your training.
Once you try it, you will never train without it!
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
Do not combine with alcohol. Do not exceed 2 scoops within any 24 hour period, consumed at least 4 hours apart. Consume as part of a healthy diet and exercise program, and drink at least 100 fl oz water per day. Exercise may increase your need for additional fluid intake.
將 1 勺本產品與 4-6 盎司的冷水混合,在訓練前 20-30 分鐘服用。請勿搖晃。攪拌粉末。
- 強烈聚焦
- 極限泵出
- 優質性能
- 提升耐力
- EfforSorb 傳輸系統
- 狀元
- 275 毫克咖啡萃取
- 爆發能量
- 膳食補充劑
- 30 份
- 人工調味料
- CarnoSyn - 肌肽合成劑
用先進的配料技術為您的身體提供燃料,幫助您突破以前的限制。N.O.XPLODE 經過科學設計,可在您的訓練過程中支持爆發性能量、強烈聚焦、極限泵出、優質性能和提升耐力。
將 1 勺本產品與 4-6 盎司的冷水混合,在訓練前 20-30 分鐘服用。請勿搖晃。攪拌粉末。
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
- Intense Focus
- Extreme Pumps
- Maximum Performance
- Enhanced Endurance
- EfforSorb Deliver System
- Finish First
- 275 mg Caffeine
- Explosive Energy
- Dietary Supplement
- 30 Servings
- Artificially Flavored
- CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer
One You Try It, You Will Never Train Without It!
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O. -XPLODE is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, intense focus, extreme pumps, maximum performance, and enhanced endurance during your training.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir.
- 20% More!
- Finish First
- 60 Servings
- Artificially Flavored
- Explosive Energy
- Enhanced Endurance
- Maximum Performance
- Dietary Supplement
- EfforSorb Delivery System
- CarnoSyn
Once you try it, you will never train without it!
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O.-Xplode is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, enhanced endurance and maximum performance during your training.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl. oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
- New Formula!
- Finish First
- 30 Servings
- Artificially Flavored
- Explosive Energy
- 275 mg Caffeine
- Dietary Supplement
- Intense Focus
- Extreme Pumps
- Maximum Performance
- Enhanced Endurance
- EfforSorb Delivery System
Once you try it, you will never train without it!
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O.-Xplode is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, intense focus, extreme pumps, maximum performance, and enhanced endurance during your training.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl. oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
- Intense Focus
- Extreme Pumps
- Maximum Performance
- Enhanced Endurance
- EfforSorb Deliver System
- Finish First
- 275 mg Caffeine
- Explosive Energy
- Dietary Supplement
- 30 Servings
- Artificially Flavored
- CarnoSyn - Carnosine Synthesizer
One You Try It, You Will Never Train Without It!
Fuel your body with advanced ingredient technology to help push you past previous limits. N.O. -XPLODE is scientifically engineered to support explosive energy, intense focus, extreme pumps, maximum performance, and enhanced endurance during your training.
Mix 1 scoop with 4-6 fl oz of cold water and consume 20-30 minutes before training. Do not shake. Stir powder.
使用說明:在 4-5 盎司冷水或你喜歡的飲品中兌入 1 勺。為了增加每份蛋白質的攝入量,並獲得令人驚歎的奶昔口味,可以使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
- 狀元
- 乳清和酪蛋白質基質
- 全分離蛋白質基質
- 11 克必需氨基酸
- 天然必需氨基酸
- 5.5 克支鏈氨基酸
- 天然支鏈氨基酸
- 25 克蛋白質
- 快速和慢速消化分離物基質
- 天然和人工調味料
- 48 份
Syntha-6 分離物產品亮點:
Isolast 分離蛋白質基質包括:
- 快速和緩慢釋放蛋白質
- 分離乳清蛋白
- 牛奶蛋白質分離物(約 80% 酪蛋白和約 20% 乳清)
同樣好的 Syntha-6 奶昔口感和質地
使用說明:在 4-5 盎司冷水或你喜歡的飲品中兌入 1 勺。為了增加每份蛋白質的攝入量,並獲得令人驚歎的奶昔口味,可以使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
- 率先完成
- 乳清和酪蛋白基質
- 都是分離蛋白基質
- 11克必需氨基酸
- 天然存在的乙烯丙烯酸
- 5.5克支鏈氨基酸
- 天然存在的支鏈氨基酸
- 25克蛋白質
- 快速與慢速消化分離基質
- 天然和人工調味
- 24份
- 快速和慢速釋放的蛋白
- 分離乳清蛋白
- 分離牛奶蛋白(約80%酪蛋白以及約20%乳清)
將 1勺與4.5盎司的冷水或您選擇的任何飲料混合。使用不同份量的液體來達到您想要的濃度。
- New! Isoburn
- Fat Burning
- Lean Muscle
- Weight Management
- Fat Burning Protein Powder Matrix
- All New!
- Finish First
- Whey Protein Isolate Per Serving 20 Grams
- Decaffeinated- Use Anytime
- L-Carnitine & Green Coffee Extract
- Dietary Supplement
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- Fuel The Burn!
Isoburn ingredients when used as directed, at maximum dosage, over time, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise are designed to support:
- Nutrition
- Lean Muscle
- Weight Management
- Recovery
- Fat Burning
將 1勺與4.5盎司的冷水或您選擇的任何飲料混合。使用不同份量的液體來達到您想要的濃度。
- 可信的BSN
- 較早完成
- 乳清和酪蛋白基質
- 都是分離蛋白基質
- 11克必需氨基酸
- 天然存在的乙烯丙烯酸
- 5.5克支鏈氨基酸
- 天然存在的支鏈氨基酸
- 25克蛋白質
- 快速與慢速消化分離基質
- 天然和人工調味
- 48份
- 快速和慢速釋放的蛋白
- 分離乳清蛋白
- 分離牛奶蛋白(約80%酪蛋白以及約20%乳清)
Mix one scoop of Creatine with 8-12 oz. water or your favorite beverage.
Intended for use in healthy adults and as part of a healthy, balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Unflavored for Stacking
- 5 g Creatine Monohydrate
- Muscle Strength
- 60 Servings
- Dietary Supplement
Achieving the ideal physique is what every athlete strives for. Why do you spend so much time working towards this goal? You do it for the looks, the respect and the confidence that comes from looking and feeling your best. BSN Creatine helps you get there with 5 grams of 100% Creatine Monohydrate. One serving supports strength, power, and lean body mass to help you look your best in the gym, on the field, or simply anywhere. Your results are going to get noticed.
BSN Creatine when used as directed, over time, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise is designed to support:
- Muscle
- Strength
- Recovery
- Performance
Supplementing with Creatine Monohydrate can help replenish your creatine stores, an ingredient found naturally in foods like red meat. Creatine helps fuel your muscles during periods of high-intensity exercise.
BSN Creatine provides 5 grams of pure micronized Creatine Monohydrate to support strength, power, and lean body mass without any fillers or additives. With unflavored versatility, BSN Creatine may be added to your post-workout recovery shake or favorite beverage.
Mix one scoop of Creatine with 8-12 oz. water or your favorite beverage.
Intended for use in healthy adults and as part of a healthy, balanced diet and exercise program.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and to achieve an amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Natural & Artificial Flavored
- 48 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAS
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
This product has been manufactured by a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and to achieve an amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl. oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- 48 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAs
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Ultra-Premium Protein. Ultra-Premium Taste.
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and Other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl. oz. of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- 28 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAs
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Ultra-Premium Protein. Ultra-Premium Taste.
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and Other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
用法:取 1 勺加入 4-5 液體盎司冷水或任何您選擇的飲品中。要增加每份蛋白質攝入量並獲得更為驚人的奶昔體驗,使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
- 正宗BSN
- 率先完成
- 10克必需氨基酸
- 天然存在的必需氨基酸
- 肌肉修復
- 200卡路里
- 瘦肌肉
- 22克蛋白質
- 隨時使用,白天或夜晚皆可
- 天然和人工調味
- 蛋白飲料粉
- 48份
六重矩陣蛋白粉 (Syntha-6) 產品亮點:
- 多功能超優質蛋白質矩陣
- 天然存在的支鏈氨基酸和其他必需以及非必需氨基酸
- 中鏈甘油三酯、必需脂肪酸和穀氨醯胺肽
- 零毫升阿斯巴甜
用法:取 1 勺加入 4-5 液體盎司冷水或任何您選擇的飲品中。要增加每份蛋白質攝入量並獲得更為驚人的奶昔體驗,使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
將 1 勺與 4-5 盎司的冷水水或您選擇的任何飲品混合服用。如果要增加每次的蛋白質攝入量,獲得更美妙的奶昔體驗,可以使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
- 美妙的霜淇淋口感
- 狀元
- 10 克必需氨基酸 - 天然必需氨基酸
- 肌肉修復
- 200 卡
- 肌肉
- 22 克蛋白質
- 隨時隨地使用,無論白天還是晚上。
- 天然和人工香料
- 蛋白質粉飲品混合
- 44 份
SYNTHA-6™ 可謂所向披靡。從 2004 年上市至今,沒有任何產品能夠超越 SYNTHA-6™,奶昔一般的味道和柔滑的口感讓人沉醉。趕快體驗 SYNTHA-6™ 和 Cold Stone 奶油薄荷巧克力脆的美味吧。本產品添加了薄荷、巧克力屑、堅果巧克力糕、富奇軟糖和曲奇餅乾碎等成分,且富含高級 BSN 複合蛋白質。我們再次實現了自我超越。
將 1 勺與 4-5 盎司的冷水水或您選擇的任何飲品混合服用。如果要增加每次的蛋白質攝入量,獲得更美妙的奶昔體驗,可以使用脫脂或低脂牛奶。
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
- Finish First
- Ultra Premium Protein Matrix
- 22 g Protein
- Use Anytime, Day or Night
- Naturally & Artificially Flavored
- 48 Servings
- 10 g Essential Amino Acids
- Naturally Occurring EAAS
- Muscle Recovery
- 200 Calories
- Lean Muscle
Ultra-Premium Protein, Ultra-Premium Taste.
Syntha-6 Product Highlights:
- Multi-Functional Ultra-Premium Protein Matrix
- Naturally Occurring BCAAs and other Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids
- MCTs, EFAs, and Glutamine Peptides
- Zero Milligrams of Aspartame
Designed For: Any individual who wants an ultra-premium protein powder to help them reach their nutritional and physique goals.
Lecithin is a phospholipid complex derived from soybean oil, which is used to promote mixability.
Take 1 scoop with 4-5 fl oz of cold water or any beverage of your choice. To increase your protein intake per serving and achieve an even more amazing milkshake experience, use non-fat or low-fat milk.
For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirement with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.
將 1 勺粉劑混入 4-5 液體盎司冷水或您選擇的任何飲品中。要增加每份蛋白質攝入量,並達到更加驚人的奶昔體驗,請使用無脂或低脂牛奶。
- 首先完成
- 22克蛋白質
- 隨時使用,白天或黑夜皆可
- 25 份
- 天然和人工調味
- 蛋白飲料粉
- 10克必需氨基酸 - 自然來源的EAA
- 肌肉修復
- 200卡路里
- 精瘦肌肉
- 超優質蛋白質超優質美味
超越Syntha-6非常難。自2004年以來,到目前為止,沒有什麼能與其奶昔般的風味和奶油質地相提並論。向Syntha-6和Cold Stone 奶油薄荷巧克力片致意,布朗尼和軟糖口味與真正的曲奇碎混合,再加上它配有超優質的BSN蛋白複合物。我們又一次超越了自我。
將 1 勺粉劑混入 4-5 液體盎司冷水或您選擇的任何飲品中。要增加每份蛋白質攝入量,並達到更加驚人的奶昔體驗,請使用無脂或低脂牛奶。
- 率先吃完
- 蛋白營養條
- 不可抗拒的嘴嚼口感
- 每條20克蛋白質
- 每條4克糖
- 天然和人工調味
- 查看飽和脂肪含量的營養成分
- 首先完成
- 蛋白營養條
- 不可抗拒的嘴嚼口感
- 每條 20 克蛋白質
- 每條 2 克糖
- 不含麩質
- 天然和人工調味
- 首先完成
- 蛋白營養條
- 不可抗拒的嘴嚼口感
- 每條 20 克蛋白質
- 每條 4 克糖
- 不含麩質
- 天然和人工調味